Valle d’Aosta DOC is the regional DOC covering all wine styles from the Aosta region in northern Italy, Aosta being a ‘tiny Alpine valley sandwiched between Piedmont [‘Piemonte’] and the Alps in northern Italy,’ (Oz Clarke: 2015, p.270).
Native wine grapes: Vien de Nus (w). | Vuillermin (r).
Valle d’Aosta DOC Bianco + grape variety: Varietal wines must contain 85–100% of the variety named on the label. Permitted varieties are Chardonnay, Müller-Thurgau, Pinot Grigio or Pinot Gris, Pinot Bianco or Pinot Blanc, Petite Arvine, Moscato Bianco or Muscat Petit Grain, Traminer Aromatico or Gewürztraminer.
Valle d’Aosta DOC Rosso & Rosato + grape variety: Gamay, Pinot Nero or Pinot Noir, Mayolet, Merlot, Cornalin, Syrah, Cornalin, Nebbiolo, Petit Rouge, Prëmetta, Gamaret, Vuillermin.
No certification: Les Cretes.
Oz Clarke, Oz Clarke Wine A-Z (Pavilion, 2015).