Calabria is one of Italy’s 20 administrative regions. It occupies the toe of the Italian ‘boot’ and is bordered to the north by Basilicata, to the west by the Tyrrhenian Sea and to the east by the Ionian Sea.

Political geography: Capital city: Catanzaro (CZ). | ProvincesCosenza (CS). | Catanzaro (CZ). | Crotone (KR). |  Reggio Calabria (RC). | Vibo Valentia (VV).

Vineyard area: Grapevines account for only 3% of the total agricultural products coming from the region, with about 25,000 hectares of vineyards. Red grape varieties account for about 80% of production.

Native grapes: Addoraca (w). | Castiglione (r). | Gaglioppo (r). | Greco Bianco (w). | Greco Nero (r). | Guardavalle (). | Guarnaccia (w). | Magliocco family. | Magliocco dolce, tondo (r). | Magliocco Canino (r). | Malvasia Bianca (w). | Mantonico Bianco (w). | Marsigliana Nera (r). | Nerello Cappuccio (r). | Nerello Cappuccio (r). | Nerello Mascalese (r). | Nocera (r). | Pecorello Bianco (w). | Prunesta (r). | Trebbiano Toscano (w).

Wines-DOCBivogni DOC. | Cirò DOC (1969). | Donnici DOC (1975). | Greco di Bianco DOC. | Lamezia DOC. | Melissa DOC. | Pollino DOC (1975. | Sant’Anna di Isola Capo Rizzuto DOC. | San Vito di Luzzi DOC. | Savuto DOC (1975). | Scavigna DOC. | Terre di Cosenza DOC. | Verbicaro DOC.

Wines-IGT: Calabria IGT.


Certified organic: Masseria Falvo 1727.