Treviso Province is located in the Veneto region of north-eastern Italy. It is bordered to the north by Belluno province, to the east by the Friuli-Venezia Giulia region, to the south by Venice, and to the west by Vicenza province.
Capital city: Treviso.
Communes: Conegliano. | Farra di Soligo. | Sernaglia della Battaglia. | Susegana. | Valdobbiadene.
Native wine grapes: Recantina (r).
Sparkling wines: Prosecco Treviso DOC.
Still wines: Alto Livenza IGT. | Colli di Conegliano DOC. | Colli Trevigiani IGT. | Marca Trevigiana. | Prosecco DOC. Refrontolo Passito DOC. | Venezia DOC.