Farra di Soligo is a commune in north-west Treviso province in the Veneto region of Italy. Farra di Soligo is around 31 miles (50km) north of Venice (‘Venezia’) and 16 miles (25km) north-west of the city of Treviso.

Background: The origin of Fara’s name, as is the case with many other towns in the area, is Lombard. The ‘faras’ were the kin groups sharing a common lineage, constituting the social organization of the people. According to the history books, in 569, Alboino having lead his troops in the strenuous crossing of the Alps, chose one of these places to rest before descending onto the plains. Having constitued the fara, he continued his march towards Treviso. Lombard settlements were established one after another for two centuries until the Franks came. For years, the Lombards defended the land fiercely, then they were converted to Christianity. With the aid of the Cistercian and Benedictine monks from the small local monasteries, they learnt how to till the land and turned from being warriors into farmers.

Localities (‘frazioni’)Col San Martino. I Soligo.