Case Basse is a winery in Montalcino in Tuscany, Italy. It produced  Rosso di Montalcino DOC and Brunello di Montalcino DOCG red wines. 

Owner: The late Gianfranco Soldera (Milanese, previously worked as a stockbroker).

History: In December 2012 a break-in occurred, and wines from the 2007-2012 vintages waiting to be bottled were run from their oak tanks onto the floor. Gianfranco Soldera  lost 60,000 litres of Brunello. The culprit was a disgruntled former employee. He broke in and poured six vintages of Soldera’shis wine down the drain.

Red wines



Oz Clarke, Oz Clarke Wine A-Z (Pavilion, 2015), p.73.