Albarola is a neutral white wine grape native to Italy ‘disappearing from the Cinqueterre zone of Liguria in north-west Italy,’ (Oxford Companion, 2015 p.10). the name Albarola is used for this variety from La Spezia and Sarzano into Massa Cararra and Pisa provinces in Tuscany. ‘Alba’ means dawn in Italian and could refer to the grape’s translucent berries.

In Liguria: In Liguria’s Val Polcevera and Riviera di Levante the Albarola is referred to as Bianchetta or Bianchetta Genovese. Albarola’s prime prime Ligurian terroir is the Missano area from which it may have originated. Wines made with 100% Albarola include Golfo del Tigullio DOC (this also allows a rare, air-dried, sweet passito version) and Val Polcevera DOC (with its sub-zone Coronata). In the Cinque Terre Albarola is used in blends with Bosco and Vermentino for both dry white wines and air-dried passito wines.

Viticulture: Low pergola (canopy) training is common in the Cinque Terre and allows greater protection from sunlight and heat, more even ripening.

Terroir: Albarola’s preferred terrain is very friable, dry, rocky, hills soil called ‘tarso’, typical found in the Chiavari-Sestri Levante area.

Wine style: Typical flavours include salty-mint and almonds. In warmer, lower sites Albarola develops more tropical and floral notes.

Wines: Golfo del Tigullio Portofino DOC (Liguria). | Golfo del Tigullio Portofina DOC Passito (Liguria). | Val Polcevera DOC (Coronata is a sub-zone).


Oxford Companion to Wine 4th edition ed. Jancis Robinson MW and Julia Harding MW (Oxford University Press, 2015), p.10.