Biodynamics 101 with Monty Waldin at Wine2Wine, PalaExpo, Centro Congressi of Veronafiere, Verona, Italy Tuesday 27th November 2018 17.30–18.15
In the good old days wine was either red or white, dry or sweet, still or fizzy. Then it became New World versus Old World, and single varietal versus multi-varietal blends. Now wine is becoming less about origin or style, and more about manufacture. The Natural, Sustainable, Organic and Biodynamic categories will continue to take market share from Conventional wines. At the end of this 101 on Biodynamics, participants will have a clear understanding of what Biodynamics is, what it is not, and why its core principle of self-sufficiency resonates with winemakers and consumers alike. Speaker Monty Waldin writes the entries on Biodynamics for Jancis Robinson MW and Julia Harding MW’s Oxford Companion to Wine, chairs VinItaly International’s ‘Wine Without Walls’ blind tasting competition of organic, Biodynamic and natural wines, and hosts the Italian Wine Podcast. Monty has worked in a range of conventional, natural, organic and Biodynamic vineyards and wineries both large and small and in both hemispheres.