Dr Ehrenfried Pfeiffer is an important figure in Biodynamics. Rudolf Steiner had ‘served as Ehrenfried Pfeiffer’s academic advisor in his early years, urging him to take many courses in the natural sciences if he [Pfeiffer] wanted to overcome and go beyond materialistic science,’ writes Michael J Pawlicki, who adds that ‘Steiner also gave Pfeiffer significant guidelines for conducting his own research into demonstrating and using the etheric formative forces, which Steiner had researched from a clairvoyant perspective. Steiner suggested among other things that he study crystallization processes and from this Pfeiffer developed the method of sensitive crystallization.’
‘A Tribute to Ehrenfried E. Pfeiffer for his 100th birthday, February 19 1999’, by Michael J Pawlicki, Applied Biodynamics 25 Winter 1998-1999, p.2)