Biferno DOC is located in the Molise region in southern Italy. Still wines of all three colours are made. The DOC dates from 6th June 2011.

Production zone: The grapes for Biferno DOC must be produced in the area indicated below in the province of Campobasso and which includes the entire administrative territory of Acquaviva Collecroce, Campobasso, Campodipietra, Campomarino, Castelbottaccio, Castellino del Biferno, Colletorto, Ferrazzano, Gambatesa, Guardialfiera, Guglionesi, Larino, Limosano, Lucito, Lupara, Macchia Valfortore, Mirabello Sannitico, Mafalda, Montagano, Montecilfone, Montefalcone del Sannio, Montelongo, Montemitro, Montenero di Bisaccia, Montorio nei Frentani, Palata, Petacciato, Petrella Tifernina, Pietracatella, Portocannone, Rotello, Santa Croce di Magliano, San Felice del Molise, San Giacomo degli Schiavoni, San Giovanni in Galdo, San Giuliano di Puglia, San Martino in Pensilis, Tavenna, Termoli, Toro, Tufara, Ururi.

Terroir: ‘The landscape systems that affect the “Biferno” are: Landscape system of hills, with well-drained, thin to deep soils, moderately fine texture, limestone and stony; landscape system of coastal hills, with well-drained soils, from non-calcareous to calcareous, sandy-clayey geolithological substrate, topsoil and subsoil texture, from fine to medium, and absent or scarce stoniness. The light and / or dark color present in the surface horizons of the soils, an index of favorable properties, such as a good level of agricultural fertility and biological activity, regulates the development and vigor of plants and shoots. The altitude of the land cultivated with vineyards, for the production of Biferno wines, cannot exceed 500 m asl, for the red and rosé types, while it can reach 600 asl, for the whites, within the defined geographical area which includes municipalities in the province of Campobasso alone, located between lower and middle Molise, (Disciplinare della produzione della Denominazione di origine controllata dei vini Biferno).

Viticulture: Vineyards must occupy only hilly vineyards whose soils are of suitable orientation and at an altitude not exceeding 500 metres above sea level. For the Biferno Rosato, Rosso, and Rosso Riserva vines must be below 600 metres above sea level. Numerous experimental fields have been created to analyze new cultivation techniques for the vines registered in the DOC Biferno, controlled by ERSAM and by the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Molise. This convinced growers to move from pergola trained vines to VSP systems.

Yields: The maximum grape production must not exceed 14.00 tons per hectare for Biferno Rosso, riserv, rosato and white wines, and 12.50 tons for Biferno Rosso Superiore. 20% extra is permitted in exceptionally favorable years. A maximum production limit lower than the one fixed may be imposed in bad years.

Winemaking: Winemaking and ageing must be in the production zone referred to above. The aforementioned operations can also be carried out in the entire province of Campobasso. The grapes destined for vinification must ensure a minimum natural alcoholic strength by volume of 11.50% vol for the red and rosé “Biferno” types, 13.00% vol for the “Biferno” red reserve type, and for the superior red “Biferno” type. 12.50% vol. and to the white “Biferno” type of 10.50% vol.


Biferno Bianco DOC: Dry white wine made from 60-70% Trebbiano Toscano plus 30-40% other authorised white grapes. Minimum alcohol: 10,50% vol; Minimum total acidity: 5,00 g/l; Minimum dry extract: 16,00 g/l;

Biferno Rosato DOC: Dry pink made from 70-80% Montepulciano, 15-20% Aglianico, 10% other authorised red grapes. Minimum alcohol: 11,50% vol; Minimum total acidity: 4,50 g/l;
Minimum dry extract: 18,00 g/l.

Biferno Rosso DOC: Red wine made from 70-90% Montepulciano, 15-20% Aglianico, 10% other authorised red grapes. Minimum alcohol: 11,50% vol; Minimum total acidity: 4,50 g/l; Minimum dry extract: 22,00 g/l;

Biferno Rosso DOC Superiore: Minimum alcohol: 12,50 vol; Minimum total acidity: 4,50 g/l; Minimum dry extract: 23,00 g/l.

Biferno Rosso DOC Riserva: This must age at least 3 years from 1 November of the year of harvesting of the grapes. Minimum alcohol: 13%,vol; Minimum total acidity: 4,50 g/l; Minimum dry extract: 24,00 g/l.


No certification: Camillo de Lellis.


Disciplinare della produzione della Denominazione di origine controllata dei vini Biferno.