Jacques Mell is a consultant on Biodynamics based in his native France. His approach could be summarised as ‘good old fashioned Biodynamics like Rudolf Steiner used to make.’ Mell respects the notion that the three Biodynamic field spray preparations Horn manure 500, Horn silica 501 and Equisetum arvense 508 (common horsetail) work best when applied to the farm (vineyard) individually as soil, atmosphere and vine/soil sprays respectively, and that Biodynamic compost 502-507 is the best means by which the Biodynamic compost preparations be applied to the soil. This contrasts with the alternative approach wherby the Prepared Horn manure or 500P spray is used to get the compost preparations onto the land, saving the bother of actually having to go make any compost. I find the wines of those wine producers who have worked with Jacques Mell as possessing a strong ‘centre’ and sense of place (‘terroir-driven’) allied to a strong sense of the grape or grape varieties the wine was made from.