Isabelle Legeron MW is the first French woman to become a Master of Wine. She is an author (see wine writers) and leading advocate of natural wine who styles herself ‘That Crazy French Woman’. She says she believes ‘all wine should be farmed organically as a bare minimum, made naturally, with no (or very few) sulfites,’ (Isabelle Legeron: 2014, p.6). In 2011 she co-organised the Natural Wine Fair in London with Doug Wregg of UK-based importer Les Caves de Pyrène. In 2012 Wregg and Legeron went their separate ways, creating their own natural wine fairs, Doug calling his the Real Wine Fair and Isabelle calling hers RAW. Legeron subsequently rolled out the RAW concept to additional venues outside the UK.


Isabelle Legeron MW, Natural Wine, An introduction to organic and biodynamic wines grown naturally (2014, Cico Books, London & New York).