Cagnulari is a red wine grape native to the Italian island of Sardinia (‘Sardegna’). Cagnulari is not identical to Bovale Sardo despite similarities and being closely related. 

Other names: Bastardo Nero, Cada Reio, Caldareddu, and Cagliunari. 

Where grown: Sardinia (‘Sardegna’) Cagluari is limited to the area around the city of Sassari in the north-eastern Sardinia. The countryside around Usini is potentially Cagnulari’s one grand cru. It is most often used in blends (usually with Cannonau and Pascale), but 100% Cagnulari wines can be made in the DOC Alghero.

Viticulture: Sensitive to botrytis but otherwise good resistance.

Wine style: Pinkish-red colour. Red floral and fruity notes. Deep, textured wines which avoid heaviness.


Ian D’Agata, Native Wine Grapes of Italy (University of California Press, 2014 pp.208, 209, 214-216.

Italian Wine Unplugged (Positive Press, 2017), p.162-3